Gone are those days where adult age i.e., 65 years or older can be considered as a factor for risks involving dental procedures. Today, the medical industry and dental technology has made it compatible and easier for the older age group.
Health status of older adults can be a quite variable with over the counter medications, functionally challenging or cognitively impaired. The design and implementing comprehensive dental protocols for elder patients must be tailored to meet the unique demands and needs of each individual. With systemic ailments – diabetes mellitus, cardiac conditions, arthritis etc., keeping in mind that not just influence the ability to maintain oral hygiene but also the occurrence of oral diseases may require special attention in a dental hospital; one should not assume that all older people share these conditions.
There is a comprehensive dental treatment available for every individual – from adult orthodontics to full mouth rehabilitation with dental implants, AGE is NEVER a factor for your dental solutions!! All you need is a visit to your nearest dentist and get yourself a routine dental checkup done.
The scope of orthodontics has expanded to not just include adolescents but also adults who aspire to get their teeth aligned, thereby abolishing the upper age limit. There is an increased awareness of the importance of oral health unlike yesteryears. The dental response to orthodontic forces is slower, but the teeth move in the same manner regardless of age. The bio mechanics needs to be customized as per each individual.
We at Kamala Dental Speciality Hospital, are fortunate to treat many patients with a widened spectrum of dental problems giving you a customized treatment plan based on your medical and dental examination. One among us was this adult of age 60 years; we were able to give her a happy smile, not just solving her dental issues, also giving her a thorough check up every six months!
With the rise in age related dental problems, Kamala dental has expanded its wings in Geriatric Dentistry. Be it any circumstance that held you back in the past, it’s never too late to get that perfect smile you always wanted. After all, a happy smile is a happy soul.
We at Kamala Dental Specialty Hospital welcome you to experience our care, hassle free advanced technologies, expertise opinions and treatment results! All you need is to just visit our premises and get yourself that ‘perfectly aligned teeth’.