Better smile for everyone

Your search for place for space closure and affordable dental clinic ends here. Your search for place for space closure and affordable dental clinic ends here. Creating better smile and giving confidence to smile at others is the responsibility of Team Kamala Dental, the smile makers of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala with international reputations and high standards […]
My Dentist – My friend in need…

It was nice to hear from Mr. Bharath Lal who cherish a long relation with Kamala Dental. Now he has completed his implant based solution for his upper front teeth. We are happy to deliver fully digital, precise and esthetic crowns given as an end solution, for a promising personality of future. Wishing him all […]
Enamel Bonding

Bonding your enamel with composite resin strengthening it more and correcting surface defects and sparkling white teeth boosting your confidence. Listen from M/s. Heba Baddour from Australia.
Designer Smile from Kamala Dental

All are not blessed with pleasant and beautiful smile. Space between the front teeth may spoil the smile and your confidence especially when you have missing teeth from birth and retained milk teeth. A perfect combination of Orthodontics (braces) and implants supported permanent fixation to replace your missing teeth provide a strong dentition and an […]