Oral Habits and their Management

Oral habits are habits that children frequently acquire that may either temporarily or permanently be harmful to dental occlusion and to the supporting structures.

Oral habits can be any of the following

Thumb Sucking

Thumb Sucking is the placement of the thumb into various depths into the mouth.


Through intra oral anti-thump sucking appliances which can be either fixed (e.g.:-Palatal Crib, Blue Grass Appliance) or removable (e.g.:-Thumb Guard)

Tongue Thrusting

Tongue thrusting is the forward movement of tongue tip between the teeth to meet the lower lip during swallowing and in sounds of speech, so that tongue becomes thrusting


Mouth Breathing

Mouth breathing is the habitual breathing through the mouth instead of the nose



Bruxism is grinding of the teeth and is usually reported to occur while sleeping


Lip Habits

Lip habits are habits that involve manipulation of the lips and perioral structures


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