Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction: A Comprehensive Guide to Your Choices

Tooth extraction and root canal treatment are the most common dental procedures worldwide. Both aim to address severe tooth pain and infection, often caused by extensive decay or damage. When the pulp, the innermost layer of the tooth, becomes infected or injured, these procedures become necessary to relieve pain and prevent further complications. While they share the same goal of resolving dental issues, the methods by which they achieve this are distinct and offer different outcomes. Understanding the differences between these treatments can help you make an informed decision about your dental care.

Tooth Extraction: What It Is and What to expect?

 What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction involves completely removing a tooth from its socket in the bone. This procedure is often recommended when a tooth is too damaged to be saved by other means, such as a root canal. At Kamala Dental, our skilled team, led by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Dr. Segin Chandran, ensures that every extraction is performed with the utmost care and precision. With over 26 years of experience, Dr Segin Chandran and his team are equipped with advanced technology and maintain rigorous sterilisation standards to guarantee patients a safe and comfortable experience.

While tooth extraction effectively eliminates pain and infection, it can also lead to several complications if the missing tooth is not replaced:

Replacing Missing Teeth After Extraction

At Kamala Dental, we offer several options to replace missing teeth:

Bridges: A dental bridge is a prosthetic device anchored to adjacent teeth, filling the gap left by the missing tooth. While effective, bridges may require modification of healthy adjacent teeth for support

Removable Full/Partial Dentures: Dentures are the least permanent option and can be removed as needed. Although less comfortable and stable than implants or bridges, they offer a cost-effective solution for tooth replacement.

Root Canal Treatment: Saving Your Natural Tooth

What is Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment, or endodontic therapy, is designed to save a tooth severely damaged by decay or injury. During the treatment, the infected or inflamed pulp is removed, the inside of the tooth is cleaned and disinfected, and the tooth is filled and sealed. This procedure helps preserve the natural tooth structure, preventing more extensive and costly restorative treatments.

Advanced Technology for Precision Treatment

At Kamala Dental Hospital, we utilise cutting-edge technology to ensure the highest level of care during root canal treatments. Our Sirona Orthophos SL 3D CBCT machine from Germany lets us visualise the tooth’s anatomy in three dimensions, enabling our clinicians to plan the procedure precisely. We employ a surgical microscope from Labomed-Magna for more complex cases, providing high magnification for detailed work on intricate root canal systems.

Re-Root Canal Treatment

In some cases, a tooth previously undergone root canal treatment may continue to cause pain. At Kamala Dental, we offer re-root canal treatment, a specialised procedure that requires expert knowledge and precision. Using CBCT imaging and magnification, our endodontists can effectively retreat the tooth, address any persistent issues, and restore comfort.

Single-Visit Root Canal Treatment

Depending on the tooth’s condition, root canal treatment can often be completed in a single visit, minimising the need for multiple appointments. After the procedure, it is essential to reinforce the treated tooth with a dental crown, inlay, or onlay to ensure it can withstand chewing forces.

Teeth in One Hour: Same-Day Crowns

At Kamala Dental, we understand the importance of timely dental care. That’s why we’re equipped with the latest CAD/CAM milling unit – the CEREC Primemill, which allows us to create and place customised crowns in a single visit. This innovative technology ensures that our patients enjoy the benefits of one-day dentistry, leaving our clinic with fully restored teeth in just a few hours.

Cost Comparison: Root Canal vs. Tooth Extraction

When considering the cost of dental treatments, it’s essential to factor in immediate and long-term expenses. While a root canal treatment typically requires the placement of a single crown, tooth extraction often necessitates replacing the missing tooth. This could involve dental implants, bridges, or dentures, each of which comes with its own costs. Dental implants, while more expensive upfront, offer a more permanent solution, whereas a root canal and crown may be a more cost-effective option in the short term.

Conclusion: Why Choose Kamala Dental?

At Kamala Dental, we pride ourselves on offering top-tier dental care with a personalised touch. Led by the highly experienced Dr Segin Chandran, our team of professionals is dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring the best outcomes for our patients. Whether you’re facing the need for a root canal, tooth extraction, or any other dental procedure, seeking the advice of an experienced dentist is crucial. Our commitment to using the latest technology and maintaining the highest standards of care means you can trust Kamala Dental to take care of your smile.

Regarding your dental health, don’t settle for anything less than the best. Visit Kamala Dental Hospital in Trivandrum and experience the difference that expertise and compassionate care can make.

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