Better smile for everyone

Your search for place for space closure and affordable dental clinic ends here. Your search for place for space closure and affordable dental clinic ends here. Creating better smile and giving confidence to smile at others is the responsibility of Team Kamala Dental, the smile makers of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala with international reputations and high standards […]

The Best Dental Clinic in Thiruvananthapuram

Knowing the importance of being disciplined and correcting our mistakes in time, Kamala Dental humbly reached a place to rely on for excellence in dental care and surgical corrections of jaws & face. One of the first dental hospitals in Kerala to get NABH accreditation, we, Team Kamala, follow the same protocols to get better […]

We make it possible!!!

There are few unfortunate ones among us who lose their teeth due to conditions like gum diseases, diabetes, failed bridges and many more. They are left with very little bone in their jaws making replacement impossible. This very lovable lady was denied treatment in a fixed way due to loss of bone in jaws. But […]

Impacted Teeth

The 3rd molar, which is also known as the “Wisdom Teeth” erupts between the age of 18 to 24. Due to lack of space behind the second molars, the 3rd molars can be completely blocked inside the bone or partially erupted. When it is partially erupted, the food can get trapped and it can cause […]

Enamel Bonding

Bonding your enamel with composite resin strengthening it more and correcting surface defects and sparkling white teeth boosting your confidence. Listen from M/s. Heba Baddour from Australia.

Designer Smile from Kamala Dental

All are not blessed with pleasant and beautiful smile. Space between the front teeth may spoil the smile and your confidence especially when you have missing teeth from birth and retained milk teeth. A perfect combination of Orthodontics (braces) and implants supported permanent fixation to replace your missing teeth provide a strong dentition and an […]


T. C. 29/4638, Near Centre Plaza,
Sree Mulam Club Junction,
Kerala – 695014

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