Is Old Age A Barrier For Any Dental Treatments?

Gone are those days where adult age i.e., 65 years or older can be considered as a factor for risks involving dental procedures. Today, the medical industry and dental technology has made it compatible and easier for the older age group. Health status of older adults can be a quite variable with over the counter […]
Why You Need A Dental Checkup Every Six Months?

Have you scheduled an appointment with your dentist? NO? If not, you should and here are the reasons. If you are determined to keep good health, then you must get your oral health too checked. As the mouth remains the first entity where any systemic deterioration signs show. If not properly checked in due time […]
Jaw Correction at Kamala Dental, Trivandrum, Kerala: Facial reconstruction & Dental Treatment
Satisfied patients and their good words about our hospital and its services always kept us motivated to do the best and aim for excellence with the help of most modern equipments and treatment protocols. Team Kamala Dental was happy to receive Ms. Devi Madhumohan from Bangalore who met with an unfortunate event which resulted in […]
Best Pediatric Dental Care In Thiruvananthapuram….!
Children are God’s gift. They are very precious for every parent. It is disheartening to see them crying in pain due to multiple carious teeth (Nursing Bottle Carries) which is best treated under sedation. And it is painless, comfortable and safe for kids and a one go solution to keep their teeth neat. See TEAM […]
More GAIN in LESS time!
Combination of protocols for maximum implant solutions at the first sitting. Placing implants in extraction sockets, simultaneous socket healing and osseointegration, moulding soft and hard tissue, using dual zone concept to obtain optimum aesthetics and function. Root membrane technique to retain the contour and aesthetics. Predictable and precise implant placement using R2Gate surgical guides. Use of […]
Fixed teeth from Kamala Dental Specialty Hospital, Trivandrum (Thiruvananthapuram)
Team Kamala Dental, one of the pioneers in dental implant based fixed teeth rehabilitation, proudly present this very respectful lady who lost her teeth due to trauma and periodontal diseases and has approached almost all the dental hospitals and denied rehabilitation in a fixed way because of severe loss of bone in the teeth bearing […]
We make it possible!!!
There are few unfortunate ones among us who lose their teeth due to conditions like gum diseases, diabetes, failed bridges and many more. They are left with very little bone in their jaws making replacement impossible. This very lovable lady was denied treatment in a fixed way due to loss of bone in jaws. But […]
Impacted Teeth
The 3rd molar, which is also known as the “Wisdom Teeth” erupts between the age of 18 to 24. Due to lack of space behind the second molars, the 3rd molars can be completely blocked inside the bone or partially erupted. When it is partially erupted, the food can get trapped and it can cause […]
In search of the best…
The best options are never the cheapest or nor can be done by temporary measures. Are you looking for permanent solutions where you can use your teeth without fear of crack? You can enjoy your food, and have a confident smile with a dental implant replacing broken natural tooth. Lend your ears to Rahul who […]