Facial Fractures

Violence, Road Traffic Accidents or even an accidental fall can lead to minor or major fractures of jaw bones, at times getting displaced so much that it may need reduction and fixation in major hospital set-ups. Maxillofacial surgeons fix these fractured segments with utmost respect to the teeth and its alignment.

Many times, Maxillofacial Surgeons work along with other specialties like Neuro Surgeons and Orthopaedicians giving a comprehensive care. Minor fragments involving teeth segments are fixed with “Arch Bars” and major ones, by “Open Reduction and Internal Fixation”. It helps to regain the strength and function of jaws and teeth.

Kamala Dental is a sought after center for Maxillofacial corrections , trauma as well as planned jaw corrections. Chief Surgeon, Dr. Segin Chandran’s expertise in these areas are commendable and widely sought after.

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