Facial Fractures

Violence, Road Traffic Accidents or even an accidental fall can lead to minor or major fractures of jaw bones, at times getting displaced so much that it may need reduction and fixation in major hospital set-ups. Maxillofacial surgeons fix these fractured segments with utmost respect to the teeth and its alignment. Many times, Maxillofacial Surgeons […]

Re treatment in Endodontics – Best in Trivandrum

Root canal treatment is the procedure to remove infected and inflamed pulp from the roots of the teeth. Like any other treatments root canal treatment failures are no different. The success of root canal treatment lies between 94-96%. Many factors can contribute to failure of the procedure. Improperly cleaned canal, missed canal, separated instrument, failure […]

Impacted Teeth

The 3rd molar, which is also known as the “Wisdom Teeth” erupts between the age of 18 to 24. Due to lack of space behind the second molars, the 3rd molars can be completely blocked inside the bone or partially erupted. When it is partially erupted, the food can get trapped and it can cause […]

What is Root Canal Treatment?

A single tooth consists of hard covering outside (enamel, dentin) and soft part inside (pulp). The pulp contains the nerve and blood vessels which keep the tooth alive. The soft part gets affected by decay, infection, trauma, wear and tear. We can save the tooth depending on the amount of tooth structure remaining by doing […]

Orthognathic Surgery

An imbalance in the growth of jaws, during developmental period may cause excessive or stunted growth of the upper or lower jaw. Such gross difference in jaw size will lead to disturbance in chewing and appearance. Most of the time, patients get a feeling that their teeth are crowded or proclined and seek an Orthodontists […]

No more paste in mouth.

Since the eighteenth century, conventional impression techniques have been used to register the three-dimensional geometry of dental tissues. Nevertheless, volumetric changes of impression materials and expansion of dental stone seem error-prone, and thus the process requires the services of an excellent dental laboratory. To overcome difficulties associated with conventional techniques, impressions with IOS (intraoral scanner) […]

Enamel Bonding

Bonding your enamel with composite resin strengthening it more and correcting surface defects and sparkling white teeth boosting your confidence. Listen from M/s. Heba Baddour from Australia.


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